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This is a cigarette card that published by the British tobacco company W.D. & H.O. Wills. The label belongs to the series “Picturesque people of the Empire”. The front shows a Chinese labourer (coolie) pulling heavy goods. The back introduces Hong Kong as Britain’s trade centre with China and Japan. It also provides the following descriptions of Chinese in Hong Kong: ‘The population [of Hong Kong] includes some ¾ million Chinese of all class, from the wealthy silk merchants and shrewd shoppers to the servants and porters who are hewers of wood and drawers of water for the cosmopolitan inhabitants of Hong Kong. In this far Eastern port the coolies do much of the heavy haulage which elsewhere is done by horses.’

Coolie, Hong Kong

SKU: DB001
  • 1928

Two Exhibitions between Two Strikes:

Exhibiting Hong Kong at the British Empire Exhibition 1924 and 1925

Principal investigator:

Dr. Gary Pui-fung Wong


School of Sociology and Social Policy

The University of Leeds


Contact methods:

This project is funded by the Lord Wilson Heritage Trust. 


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